Free Resources

These downloadable resources are designed to help teachers engage with the School’s SEND policy. Using them can help to create a more consistent provision, highlighting current information on student needs, reinforcing the correct terminology and encouraging adaptive teaching and collaborative work with teaching assistants.

A checklist for SENDCOs to ensure teaching and support staff understand their operational role in school SEND provision.

A more detailed checklist to help teachers think through adaptations to teaching that might be necessary for children with EHCPs and more complex needs.

A tool to encourage teaching staff to think about their routines from a sensory perspective and to reduce or remove barriers for children with sensory of physical needs.

A Skeleton presentation to populate and amend when sharing key SEND info with the whole staff.

A form to help SENDCos distil the key elements from diagnostic reports, ensuring that essential information about accessibility is not missed in day-to-day teaching.

A checklist to reflect on the accessibility of teaching and recreational spaces to ensure the needs of all students are considered.

A checklist that supports teachers in thinking through adapting teaching for children (at SEND support) whose needs may not be described in an IEP or EHCP.

A short checklist to promote whole staff engagement with school data on pupil strengths and weaknesses.