SEND Health Check
A remote consultancy package designed to assess and enhance the effectiveness of SEND provision.
The health check leads to a bespoke action plan addressing areas for development to support best endeavours in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND.
Phase 1 Enquiry
After making a booking you will be provided with an online SEND Health-check survey to be completed by members of your school community including the SENDCO and inclusion lead.
It’s useful to include a variety of stakeholders; SLT, Governors, teaching assistants, parents of children with SEND, at SEND support and non-SEND, support staff, subject teachers, middle leaders and therapists.
Whilst completing the questionnaires we will be downloading a copy of the school’s current SEND Information Report (SEND IR) & or Policy. (If the most recent copy of the SEND IR is not available on the website, please provide).
It’s helpful to have access to data on attendance and attainment data for SEND and non-SEND cohorts.
Phase 2 Feedback
As soon as all of the surveys and supporting data has been submitted Senworks will be in touch to book a feedback Zoom call with Abigail.
The number of participants taking part in the feedback call is at the discretion of the client but should be limited to 12.
Phase 3 Action Plan
No late than 10 working days after the feedback call the school will receive a written Action plan.
For an additional cost this plan can be supported onsite with visits, training, and mentoring.